Terms of Use

The platform Barcamptools.eu/barcamps.eu (hereinafter referred to as „Barcamptools“) is operated by the German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring e.V.), and funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (www.bmfsfj.de). Accordingly, the service is primarily offered to independent and association-based youth work organisations in Germany. Within our possibilities, the Barcamptools are provided free of charge. There is no guarantee for a permanent availability of the entire system or individual functions.

While we welcome other user groups, our support for them will be limited due to resource constraints. The underlying software „Camper“ is freely developed and maintained on Github; users may thus set up and operate servers independently of our offer.
Any commercial use of our server at the two aforementioned addresses is excluded and may lead to the blocking of user accounts.

Responsibility for setting up and filling the contents of individual bar camps lies solely with the organisers of the respective events. As operators, we have no influence on these matters. Furthermore, organisers of individual bar camps bear responsibility for not posting any illegal content. As operators, we reserve the right to remove any problematic content after becoming aware of it–if circumstances warrant without prior notice.

It is possible to actively participate in the further development. If required, the programming of additional functionality may be requested through us. However, depending on the scope, this may entail additional costs for which the requesting party must then place an order.

The Barcamptools are constantly being improved. We are always happy to receive feedback. Nevertheless, we will not be able to answer every question or request. If the situation arises, and following prior consultation, we reserve the right to invoice any expenses incurred in answering further enquiries.